Curriculum Vitae
Sophia Perdikari
Sophia Perdikari is a pre-school teacher and a School Advisor at the 51st Preschool Education District of Attica, Greece. She graduated from the Ekali School of Preschool Teachers (1980), the two-year Teachers’ Training Program of Marasleio Teachers’ School (Special Education) (1987) and from the Preschool Education Department of Aegean University (1993). She holds a Ph.D. from the Preschool Education Department of University of Thessaly (UOT) (2007). She has been in charge of the Environmental Education Program at the 2nd Athens’ School District and the School District of Eastern Attica (1995-2012). She has written many books and scientific papers and she has taught in many training programs. She has also taught in the Preschool Education Department of UOT. She has lectured at the Graduate Preschool Education Department of UOT, the Drama Studies Department of the Peloponnese University and the Preschool Education Department of T.E.I. of Athens. Her Research is mainly focused on the improvement of preschool education.